The songs here were in a cassette called "Everything in its time". The number at the end of the song titles show where they can be found in the book "Praise the Lord with songs".
Download the songs you like to listen to them later. If you wish to see the song book, click here : Song book.

Everything in its time 7 | Our Lord is faithful 47 | Jesus Christ called us 72 | Jesus is the first 42 | He who is not in Jesus 73 | What shall I do to be saved 81 | He who follows Jesus 90 | Everyone will die of his own sins 114 | The day comes 17 | When you are angry 103 | Blessed is he who obeys 126 | Praise the Lord with songs 1 | Let us always be joyful 71 | Submit yourselves to God 41 | Let all honor marriage 93 | God teaches us to love one another 115 | Your Word is Light 31 | The judgement day 98 | The Lord Jesus Himself said 113 | Everyone has sinned 68 | In heaven and on earth 38 | I will praise Him 4 | Our Father in heaven 74 | All God's Word 32 | Everyone must obey God 124 | Do not judge 25 | Do to others 125 | The eye is like the lamp 50