The songs here were in a cassette tape called "If anyone suffers" The number at the end of the song titles show where they can be found in the book "Praise the Lord with songs".
Download the songs you wish in order to listen to them later. If you wish to see the song book, click here : Song book.

If anyone suffers 77 | God's hand is powerful 66 | Praise God with loud voices 3 | If two people agree 82 | Those who are poor 61 | What God promised 22 | Be firm 69 | Be at peace 60 | The grace of God is sufficient 122 | Fear not 65 | Let us be united 109 | Do not be troubled 79 | Show me your ways 123 | The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ 29 | Believe in the Lord 51 | Let nothing trouble your hearts 63 | Temptations that come to Christians 118 | I am the resurrection 14 | Those who are led by the Spirit 21 | We who are God's children 2 | Keep God's Word always 64 | Jesus gave us this commandment 97 | I was dead with Jesus 54 | Jesus is the same 88 | Jesus does great works 96 | It is not us who chose Jesus 85 | Ask in Jesus name 76 | Do not sleep 87